Mon - Fri 11:00 AM to 07:00 PM EST
5250 Solar Dr, Suite 205, Mississauga, Canada

Citizenship Program

Canadian citizenship

Canadian citizenship signifies the legal status of being a citizen of Canada, entailing a range of rights and obligations. Canadian citizens are entitled to various privileges, including the right to participate in elections, the opportunity to acquire a Canadian passport for international travel, and access to diverse government initiatives and services.

Acquiring permanent residency in Canada involves meeting specific criteria, including:

  • Residing in Canada for at least 1,460 days (four years) out of the preceding six years before the application date.
  • Demonstrating proficiency in either English or French.
  • Successfully passing a citizenship test evaluating knowledge of Canadian history, culture, and government.
  • Filing income taxes, if obligated to do so, for at least three years within the qualifying period.
  • Maintaining a clean record devoid of criminal convictions or unresolved immigration matters.
  • Our team of licensed and seasoned immigration consultants specializes in offering comprehensive guidance and support to individuals aspiring for Canadian citizenship. We assist clients in assessing their eligibility, navigating the intricate application process, and preparing effectively for the citizenship test. Our overarching objective is to aid our clients in realizing their dream of Canadian citizenship, thereby enabling them to access the myriad benefits associated with it.