Mon - Fri 11:00 AM to 07:00 PM EST
5250 Solar Dr, Suite 205, Mississauga, Canada

Foreign Worker Program

Temporary Foreign Worker Program

The Canadian Foreign Worker Program is designed to address temporary labor shortages by allowing Canadian employers to hire foreign nationals. To participate, employers must meet specific requirements:

  • Obtain a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) from Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC). This assessment verifies that hiring a foreign worker will not negatively impact the Canadian labor market.
  • Offer wages and working conditions that are comparable to those provided to Canadian workers. This ensures that foreign workers are treated fairly and prevents exploitation.
  • Demonstrate that reasonable efforts have been made to hire Canadian citizens or permanent residents before considering foreign workers. This includes advertising job vacancies in Canada and actively seeking qualified Canadian candidates.

By meeting these requirements, Canadian employers can access skilled foreign workers to fill temporary job vacancies when no Canadians or permanent residents are available. This helps ensure that businesses have the workforce they need to operate effectively while protecting the integrity of the Canadian labor market.

  • Meeting the requirements for a job, such as possessing the necessary education, skills, and experience, is fundamental for foreign workers aspiring to secure employment in Canada.
  • obtaining a work permit from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is a pivotal step in legally working within the country.
  • Equally important is meeting the criteria for admissibility to Canada, ensuring individuals are not deemed inadmissible due to criminal or medical reasons.